A few testimonials and thank you messages from our clients.
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From: Dolf Nagel Date: 2015-08-26 13:09 GMT+02:00 Subject: Dankie To: “Info, Firearm-License.co.za” <info@firearm-license.co.za>Goeie Dag,Ek wil maar net baie dankie sê, my vuurwapen lisensie was gister goed gekeur.Julle diens is uitstekend en julle aplikasie dokumente baie profesioneel.Ek het die vorige aplikasie wat ek by n ander persoon gedoen het ingehandig die eerste keer en dit was afgekeur, die polisie se rede was dat my aplikasie te veel soos meeste mense sin lyk. Ek het daarna hulp kom vra by julle en julle het binne n paar dae die perfekte “Motivation” vir my saamgestel.En boonop dit, is my aplikasie maar in minder as 2 maande goedgekeur weens julle wat dinge so maklik maak vir n mens.Ek sal julle voorstel vir enigeiemand, n mens kry gewoontlik net diens soos die in 1ste wêreld ande, maar julle het die teenoorgestelde bewys. Vriendelike Groete. R Nagel |
Timothy Hastie to Manie I just wanted to say thank you for all your help. I just wanted to ask you, what happens in the event you never get an sms to collect the card? My wife’s application was approved on the 7th June. It’s been 3 weeks this week since approval. I have heard it can take longer than 2 weeks for card to be ready. But even if hers was approved before mine? I did phone the CFR and they said I have to just wait until 90 working days pass before they will assist. Just wondering what I would need to do if she does not receive an sms. Kind regards, |
Hi Manie,I am not sure if you remember me. You did my Competency Certificate and Firearm License Applications for me last year October. I am over the moon to inform you that they have both been approved and are on the way to my local police station despite our concerns regarding the suitability of the firearm.
Thank you so much, you will definitely be hearing from me again for my next firearm and I will definitely be recommending you. Regards, |
Hi ManieThanks very much – your pack was fantastic! Worth every cent. Your assistance and calm manner really made it very pleasant to deal with you. The submission went off without a hitch, and I have already received SMSes informing me that the process has started. The DFO was really pleased that I was prepared and it went very smoothly – a real change from the people ahead of me in the queue.
To confirm it is R70 for a renewal of competency and R70 for the license renewal. Thank you! Nick Nick Ristic’ |